Verification & Curation
Our verification service allows for comparison of two images of an artwork separated by a period of time. We can detect any damage or alterations the artwork has undergone. This One-2-One™ technology has many diverse applications such as conservation and curation, and can be of interest to many parties — Creators, Appraisers, Galleries, Brokers and others listed below. Verification is an automated process via the Artentika Art Managment App.
See the Artentika app in action!

Go beyond authentication of individual works. Partner with Artentika for seamless collection-wide monitoring using our unique smartphone-driven analysis.
Corporate & Private Collectors
Maintain the beauty and long-term value of your prized collection with Artentika’s scientifically rigorous annual assessment.
Auction Houses
Streamline sales, build buyer trust, and maximize revenue. Artentika’s smartphone-driven verification offers auction houses a powerful edge.
Art Insurance & Reinsurance
Reduce risk and optimize returns. Artentika enables insurers to dynamically asses risk and increase accuracy of assessments.
Logistics Damage & Substitution Detection
Secure your art in transit. Mitigate costly disputes and safeguard the integrity of your artwork during transport with Artentika’s simple smartphone-driven solution.
Proof of Ownership & Copyright Protection
Secure your rights thanks to secure reports which provide an indisputable record to assert and defend your artistic and financial rights.
Art Litigation
Art law is complex and many cases require in-depth analysis of artworks. Artentika provides a science-driven solution validated by leading art connoisseurs.